Andrea Edwards


I have had a fascination with healing and spirituality as far back as childhood. I had considered training as a Healer at many stages of my life but other things got in the way and it didn't seem to be the right time. Things finally slotted into place and I began training as a Healer in 2016 and immediately felt an affinity with the teaching and subject matter and was eager to learn as much as I could. I qualified as a Healer a couple of years later and am proud to be a full member of the Healing Trust. I love the way that Healing is suitable for everyone, at all stages of life, from babies to the elderly. I am also trained in other complementary therapies including Reiki, Reflexology and Bowen Technique, and have a great interest in the way that all of the treatments I practice can be used to complement conventional medicine. I am based in Taunton and my treatment room is on the ground floor with easy access and is a very relaxing space. My website is

Andrea Edwards

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