The Healing Ttrust

Account activated

Your account was created successfully. On the next step please select your desired membership level.

Sign Up

All members must complete this form to gain access to membership resources and/or to have their healer bio displayed on the site.
Fields with an * denote required fields.

If you are unable to complete any of these fields, please add N/A.

Name* (As registered with The Healing Trust Office)
Your password must be at least 8 characters.
Membership Number (for Office use only)*
Please provide your membership number (this information will not be publicly available). Your membership number can be found on your invitation to register.
Year joined (for office use only)*
Please provide the year you joined THT (this information will not be publicly available).
Please provide your primary contact number (this information will not be publicly available unless you check the box below).
For example, UK, USA, Australia, etc.
For example, Yorkshire, London, Florida, etc.

Students please now go directly to the Sign Up button at the bottom of the form.
Healers, please complete the Find a Healer section below, to create your public profile. If you don't wish to appear on the Find a Healer page, please go directly to the Sign Up button at the bottom of the form.

Find a Healer Listing (Healer Members Only)

Formerly known as the Referral Register.
Healer Members need to complete all fields.The Bio field MUST be completed, you cannot put N/A into the Bio field.
By what method/s do you provide personal Healing sessions.
Do you also provide mentoring to new students?
Do you provide healing for animals?
If relevant, please add the name of the Healing Centre/s you work in, along with the name of the town/s, and the postcode/s.
Languages Offered
Please list all languages you could offer a session in.
Your name as you wish it to appear in Find a Healer.
Your profile picture needs to be less than 1MB in size to aid in website performance. If your image exceeds 1MB, you can click here to learn how to easily reduce the file size if necessary.
Please upload a profile picture for the site
File uploaded
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TIP: When uploading your profile image, please ensure your face is central, as the website programme focusses on the centre of the image.
Please provide a public-facing bio for the 'Find a Healer' feature on our website. Users of the website are looking solely for Spiritual Healers and you must only offer them Spiritual Healing if they are referred from this site. Therefore, your bio must be limited to your Spiritual Healing practice only. You are allowed up to 1,400 characters, including spaces.
We recommend drafting your bio in a separate document and then pasting it into this field.

Please provide your website address (if you have one). Ensure you use the prefix https:// otherwise your link will not work.
CONSENT STATEMENT for Healer Members
I consent to the information submitted in this form being used on the website, and for members of the public to contact me with enquiries for Healing. (Your consent is required in order to promote you as a Member of The Healing Trust).
Already have an account?Log In
Please check the entered Membership number. It should include at least one letter and numbers.